Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Big Three

Each of us are part of a big thing - we are the Rising Eagles. At the beginning of the season we started off strong with specific goals in mind. 1 - was to improve individual soccer skills and confidence and that was accomplished. 2- advance to the next competitive level and I would say this goal can also be achieved simply by your mental toughness and attitude in preparation to our next games -finishing off this season with flare Vs Ancaster, Oakville B and Georgetown three of the top teams in our division.

Now the question remains... do we the 97 Erin Mills Rising Eagles believe we should be amongst the top teams in our division and if the answer is yes! then we must set a new goal and that is "to work our hardest for the next four weeks ( all business) to win three league games straight.

I know we can do it - I've believed we could do it - from the time I selected you girls to be part of the Rising Eagles so, if there ever was a time to prove your ready for this challenge the time is now.

Let me know what you're doing to get ready for the Big Three


  1. I am going to juggle the ball and practise my shots ,at least half an hour everyday.

  2. Shanel Bailey is awsome :)

    + Erin Mills Rising Eagles are pretty awsome too <3

  3. we might as well put in the most effort we can guys caz well three games, thats alot and a little. Its alot of work in a little time but worth while. Premier sounds pretty sweet right?
    and Shanel Bailey is pretty awesome
    (go eagles)
