There are some losses you can accept - we moved the ball, we had most of the chances but the Milton Magic wanted the game more than us. However, I would say this was one of our better games we have played in sometime... good show.
Wining games is all about being able to raise ones intensity level to sustain competition - the question is how does one do that. I realize the sooner a player starts focusing and preparing for their next game the higher their intensity level.

There is a lot of factors that help to increase a players intensity level and they vary from player to player. It all starts by reflecting back on how you prepared before your last game and did your performance live up to
YOUR expectations. Continually to monitor and tweak your game preparation and experience would eventually lead you up to better understand how to increase your intensity in any soccer environment (practice or game) .
I came across an ideal check list (
print it off) that will help guide you to increasing your intensity level.
If you have any other advice on how to increase ones intensity level share it with us by leaving your comments.